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Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Programming Ground Up™ (STM32)-OLD
Set Up
Download Keil uVision 5 (1:18)
Installing Keil uVision 5 (6:23)
Installing Packs (4:19)
General Purpose Input/Output(GPIO)
Overview of ARM Cortex-M General Purpose Input/Output Module (12:34)
Coding : Developing GPIO Driver Using Information from the Datasheet (48:50)
Coding : Controlling GPIO using the BSRR Register (15:39)
Coding : Reading GPIO Inputs (11:11)
Writing Bare-Metal C Code with STM32CubeIDE
Coding : Writing a GPIO Driver from Scratch (PART I) (34:02)
1_CodingGpioDriversFromScatchUsingUsingInformationFromDatasheet_part2 (17:29)
Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter(UART)
Overview of the UART Protocol (5:29)
Coding : Developing the UART Driver Using Information from the Datasheet (30:59)
Further discussion on UART Alternate Function configuration (7:52)
Coding : Receiving Data with the UART (21:55)
Coding : Two-way UART Communication (21:52)
System Tick and General Purpose Timers
Overview of the System Tick Timer (4:14)
Overview of General Purpose Timers (9:04)
Coding : Developing the System Tick Timer Driver (6:49)
Further discussion on Systick Registers (3:14)
Coding : Creating a Delay Function using the System Tick Timer (11:33)
Coding : Developing the General Purpose Timer (GPTM) Driver (13:04)
Coding : Configuring the General Purpose Timer for Output Compare (12:03)
Coding : Configuring the General Purpose Timer for Input Capture (23:40)
Coding : Input capture frequency measurement (17:41)
Coding : Configuring the General Purpose Timer for PWM Output (9:26)
Interrupts Programming
Introduction to Interrupts (5:55)
Understanding External Interrupts (9:32)
Coding : Developing the GPIO Interrupt Driver (18:49)
Coding : Working with Multiple GPIO Interrupts (23:00)
Coding : Developing the UART Interrupt Driver (14:10)
Coding : Developing the System Tick Interrupt Driver (9:22)
Coding : Developing the General Purpose Timer Interrupt Driver (12:05)
Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC)
Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion (4:02)
Coding : Developing the ADC Driver (18:12)
Coding :Reading the CPU Temperature with the ADC and Displaying it with the UART (23:34)
Interfacing with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Coding : Configuring the Liquid Crystal Display for 8-bit Data Mode (29:03)
Coding : Configuring the Liquid Crystal Display for 4-bit Data Mode (18:47)
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
Introduction to I2C (5:44)
Analyzing the DS1307 Realtime Clock (6:07)
Coding : Developing an I2C Driver (28:49)
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
Introduction to Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) (6:32)
Coding : Developing a Simple SPI Driver (15:12)
Coding : Developing an SPI Driver for the ST7735 Graphics LCD (Part I) (30:53)
Coding : Developing an SPI Driver for the ST7735 Graphics LCD (Part II) (10:44)
Coding : Developing an SPI Driver for the ST7735 Graphics LCD (Part III) (14:34)
Coding : Developing an SPI Driver for the ST7735 Graphics LCD (Part IV) (26:22)
Setting Up Option 2 - STM32CubeIDE
Download CubeIDE (4:16)
Setting Up STM32CubeIDE (7:25)
Installing Packages (6:07)
Overview (17:17)
Closing Remarks (0:11)
Coding : Developing the ADC Driver
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