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Modern Bare-Metal Embedded C++ Programming from Ground Up™
Getting Started with Embedded C++
Instructions on Setup
Creating a simple LED Class (PART I) (66:27)
Creating a simple LED Class (PART II) (25:54)
Source Code Download
C++ Essential Training for C Developers
Configuring our UART driver for displaying results (Part I) (43:23)
Configuring our UART driver for displaying results (Part II) (26:44)
Resolving the '__FILE' error (2:35)
Understanding Classes and Objects (10:18)
Dynamic Allocation (13:32)
Variable References (7:16)
Understanding Function Templates (10:58)
Using Default Arguments (3:11)
Understanding Pass by Reference and Pass by Value (5:32)
Understanding Pass by Address (1:33)
Return by Address (6:11)
Class Property Functions (9:15)
Class Constructors (7:04)
Understanding Scope Resolution (10:38)
Understanding "this" Pointer (5:03)
Differences between Class and Struct (3:59)
The function "friend" (7:04)
Class Inheritance (10:57)
Understanding Access Specifiers (7:37)
Class Pointers (9:37)
Function Overriding (5:51)
Virtual Functions (5:36)
Polymorphism (Part I) (8:46)
Polymorphism (Part II) (2:26)
The class "friend" (7:36)
Static Variables (4:45)
Static Functions (2:08)
Class Template (14:34)
Understanding namespaces (5:26)
Class Deconstructors (7:13)
Class virtual deconstructors (6:03)
Microcontroller C++ Template Programming
Introduction to Microcontroller Template Programming (21:24)
Developing a Template for accessing Microcontroller Registers (Version 1) (50:21)
Developing a Template for accessing Microcontroller Registers (Version 2) (12:51)
Register Bit-mapping (Part I) (7:09)
Register Bit-mapping (Part II) (5:35)
Applying Register Bit-mapping to Register Access Class Template (10:12)
Developing a Microcontroller Port Class Template (30:12)
General Purpose Input/Output(GPIO) C++ Driver Development
Overview of ARM Cortex-M General Purpose Input/Output Module (7:24)
Developing a GPIO Output Driver using information from the datasheet (22:22)
Developing a GPIO Output Driver using the BSRR Register (7:02)
Developing a GPIO Input Driver (13:20)
Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter(UART) C++ Driver Development
Overview of the UART Protocol (7:43)
Commonly used UART registers (3:26)
Developing the UART Driver Using Information from the Datasheet (55:46)
Receiving Data with the UART (15:14)
UART std::cout Retargeting (19:44)
Two-way UART Communication (8:23)
System Tick and General Purpose Timers C++ Driver Development
Overview of the System Tick Timer (7:51)
Overview of General Purpose Timers (9:31)
Developing the System Tick Timer Driver using information from the datasheet (40:23)
Creating a Delay Function using the System Tick Timer (9:41)
Analyzing General Purpose Timer registers (21:07)
Developing the General Purpose Timer driver (18:03)
Writing a driver for a different timer module (7:46)
Developing the Timer Compare Mode Driver (24:38)
Analog -to- Digital Converter (ADC) Driver Development
Introduction to Analog to Digital Conversion (4:02)
Understanding ADC Independents Modes (8:38)
Developing the ADC Driver (33:01)
Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)
Introduction to I2C (9:21)
Analyzing the DS1307 Realtime Clock (6:07)
Creating I2C Registers (8:30)
Writing the I2C Initialization function (24:51)
Writing the I2C Read and Write Functions (32:36)
Testing our I2C Driver (10:15)
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
Introduction to SPI (11:19)
Creating SPI Registers (31:24)
Writing a basic SPI Driver (31:24)
Developing an SPI Library (PART I) (28:36)
Developing an SPI Library (PART II) (38:56)
Testing the SPI Library (10:02)
Set Up
Download Keil uVision 5 (1:16)
Installing Keil uVision 5 (6:23)
Installing Packs (4:19)
Overview of Keil uVision 5 (10:00)
Compiler Change (1:53)
Closing Remarks
Class Constructors
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