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Embedded Imaging: Digital Camera Development from Ground Up™
Introduction(Same as Promo) (1:39)
Course Requirements
Setting Up
Downloading CubeIDE (2:34)
Installing CubeIDE (2:38)
Getting the required documentation
Introduction to Digital Cameras
Role of Digital Cameras in Embedded Devices (4:06)
Challenges and Consideration for Integrating Digital Cameras (2:21)
Fundamentals of Imaging
Light and Electromagnetic Radaiation (2:40)
Imaging Formation and Resolution (2:09)
Contrast and Dynamic Range (2:36)
Basics of Imaging (3:41)
Key Components of Digital Cameras (2:02)
The Charge-Coupled Device(CCD) Sensor (2:06)
How the Charge-Coupled Device(CCD) Works (1:39)
The Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Sensor (2:28)
The Lens and Image Processor (1:27)
The Camera Interface (3:20)
The Digital Camera Interface(DCMI)
Overview of the Digital Camera Interface(DCMI) Peripheral (1:40)
Functional Overview of the DCMI (4:29)
Summary of How the DCMI Works (1:10)
Data Register with 8-bit and 10-Bit Data Width (5:06)
Data Register with 12-bit and 14-Bit Data Width (3:14)
How Hardware Synchronization Works (3:39)
The DCMI Snapshot Mode and Continuous Grab Mode (3:12)
The DCMI Data Format and Storage (2:57)
The DCMI Crop and Image Resize Feature (2:08)
The DCMI Interrupts and Behavior in Power Modes (1:08)
Working with the DCMI Peripheral
The DCMI Configuration Overview
The GPIO Configuration
The Clock and Timing Configuration
The DCMI Parameters
The DMA Configuration for DCMI Memory-to-Memory Transfer
The B-CAMS-OMV Module
Overview of the B-CAMS-OMV
Features of the B-CAMS-OMW
The OV5640 CMOS Senor
Overview of the OV5640
Comparing Different Image Sensors
Developing the OV5640 Camera Driver
Programming: Implementing the Interface File
Programming: Defining the Register Addresses
Programming: Reading from OV5640 Registers
Programming: Implementing the Camera Parameters Structure
Programming: Initializing the OV5640
Programming: Configuring the OV5640 Parameters
Developing the Camera Library
Programming: The Camera Start Function
Programming: The Camera Stop Function
Programming: The Camera Suspend Function
Programming: The Camera DMA Config Function
Programming: The Camera Set Zoom Function
Programming: The Camera Enable Night Mode Function
Programming: The Camera Set Brightness Function
Developing Digital Camera Applications
Programming: Getting Image Data
Programming: Capturing Images
Programming: The Camera Set Brightness Function
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